
Participants in Angie's programs will be moved with stories that strike a chord
and change the way you look at life. You will be enlightened with messages that
change the way you do business. She's a published author, a proven financial planner,
the first woman to speak at Notre Dame's Prestigious Entrepreneur Club and the first
woman to become a member of their Distinguished Lecture Series. She WILL motivate
you! The value of the presentation to each individual who attends and applies the
principles can last a lifetime. When your participants attend the workshop, what
they learn can alleviate their fears, and, therefore increase their productivity.

Money Worries Reduce Job Performance
It's a fact. If are you experiencing lower productivity and increased absenteeism within
your organization, you probably have employees who are worried about money. According
the Financial Distress Among American Workers report, thirty million workers in
America – one in four – are seriously financially distressed and dissatisfied with
their personal financial situations. Studies show that financial worries and problems
can lower employee productivity and lead to health problems.
Here are a few examples of how worry impacts job performance:
Lower Productivity – Employees make more personal calls, use company
equipment to handle personal business, and
try to deal with bill-collector calls
Lower Retention – Higher turnover as employees seek higher paying jobs
Health Problems – High blood pressure, weight gain and insomnia
As an employer, there is much to be gained by providing programs to assist your employees with their finances,
including offering seminars and educational resources.