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"Angie's charisma and thought-provoking messages will add value to your participants' training. She demonstrates professionalism and skill...adding humor, enthusiasm and personal experiences that provide motivation to her attendees to take control of their lives. Val Voelker, Director of Education, North Ohio Meeting Professionals International

"We found your presentation on 'Money Matters' to be timely, informative, and helpful. Your enthusiasm and knowledge benefits our members." Bonnie Niebauer, 40-Plus of Central Ohio

"Angie is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about the topics she presents... is articulate, highly motivated and a dynamic and powerful trainer, one that can add value to your company." Edie Milligan, CFP, CLU, AFC, President - Keeping Track, Inc.

"Angie's charisma and thought-provoking message...personal, hands-on approach...genuine interest in getting to know students...led to a more valuable keynote address. I highly recommend Angie Hollerich as a dynamic and powerful speaker...." Cory Keller, President - The International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, Athens, Ohio

"Angie demonstrates the very best of her motivate her attendees to take control of their financial future. Angie's high-energy presentations ensure audience participation from start to finish..." Tom Kelly, Executive Director/CFE, Inc.

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