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"Angie's 'been there - done that', positive, entertaining approach made her an excellent choice for Women's Health Day, 2001. Her participants liked her enthusiasm, humor, openness, and sincerity." Rose Hemm, Coordinator, Adult Division, Upper Valley JVS

"Angie, thank you for showing us how to better use our brain 'power'...with an upbeat and informative seminar during our 7th Annual Meeting." Theresa Feeser, President, Ohio Dermatology Managers Association

"Suffice it to say, you contributed greatly to the success of the Women's Health event...the more than 1,200 attendees were indeed treated to an exceptional presentation, and it left a lasting impression." Jeanelle Adamak, Executive Vice President, Speaking of Women's Health

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your vast knowledge of Financial Planning and illustrative examples with your real life experiences made you a speaker to remember." April Sark, Region 6 President, Robert Half International, Inc.

"Angie's willingness to be flexible...with warmth and enthusiasm...and her excitement about working with a new program...made it a joy working with her. I highly recommend Angie Hollerich as a dynamic and powerful speaker." Maureen A. O'Rourke, OSU DIRECT Program Coordinator

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