President, CEO Training and Consulting Company specializing in: Career Development, Leadership, Management, Team Dynamics, Communication, Decision Making, Career and Financial Success --- 3/2000 - Present

President, CEO, Brass Ring Productions Ltd.

Managing Partner, Holistic Learning Systems Ltd. ---

President, CEO Financial and Asset Management Company --- 5/1990 - 2000
Angie has over 25 years of experience as a professional speaker, management,
consulting, coaching, facilitation and corporate training. Her career spans Federal
Government, State Government, Non-Profit, Corporate, Association and Organizations.
She works with clients Nationwide. She has the talent to assess the skills and capability
of the individuals she consults and has the ability to bring out the best in the individuals
she works with. She sets the tone of high-level professionalism, her expectations are
clear, and she cares about the individual experiences involved at every level. Working
with teams and groups she helps foster the challenge of responsibility and accountability
while providing support for change and skill development to enhance workplace situations
that often require doing more with less, striving for continuous improvement, and increased

Contracted by the Treasurer of the State of Ohio
to develop keynotes for the morning and afternoon, for the Women and Money Conferences offered over the
last 8 years, be available as a backup trainer for the eight concurrent sessions of thirteen financial topics, MC
the day of the conference. Train and manage 30+ trainers from over 20 large companies for the sole purpose
of providing education to over 35,000 residents of Ohio over a 8 year period.
During the past 7 years of my contract I:
Coordinated professional trainers 30+, and administrative staff of 15+.
Wrote and presented the two keynotes based on the theme of the conferences.
Developed positive relationships with trainers from 40 different corporations, organization and associations.
Created training and shaped conference programs.
Designed various consulting reports and other processes to enhance services provided by trainers.
Accomplished successful marketing and promotion of conferences.
Developed curriculum, facilitated train the trainer's sessions, presented financial information at conferences.

and managed pilot program for The Department of Labor, The Women's
Bureau titled Working Women in Transition. A program designed to
provide education, consulting, and training for Baby Boomer Women
transiting into another career after retirement.
I was involved in all stages of client services:
Initial Meeting, Assessments, Developing Pilot.
Negotiating and Refining Scope and Detail of Contract and Creating Delivery Plan.
Conducting Consultancy, Training, Coaching and Supervisory Delivery.
Evaluations, Feedback Reports, Reinforcement Plans, Culminating Reports.
Developed and was MC for the one year reunion of the participants.

Managed and individually counseled 80+ women for the Working
Women in Transition Consulting in the areas of: Career Decision Making, Interview Skills/Information Interviewing, Resumes
and Cover Letters, Job Search Skills, Business Planning and Financing, Public Speaking & Presentations, Conflict Management
and Work/Life Balance.

Transition partner for individuals in career development, fulfillment, identity shifts, industry shifts and evolution of purpose.

Subcontracts with Professional Services of America managing Project 3161 career counseling, résumé writing, entrepreneur training for the Department of Energy 2007.

Provide training for New Ground for Banks and Credit Unions.

Training Partner for learning that focuses on exact areas of need, whether communication, productivity, delegation, decision making or other areas relevant to work changes or employee development.

Provided Entrepreneur (Starting Your Business) Training for the Small Business Administration for past 17 years.

Worked as an advisor for over 300 clients in the area of career, transition and financial success.

Works with Women's Business Enterprise National Council as Chair on their Certification Committee 12 years.
Coaches and consults with Women Business Owners in the area of business development, communication, team dynamics, and marketing.
Provides site visits for certification with the Women's Business Enterprise National Council.
Training partner for women business owners who want to grow their businesses.

Herrmann International - Hermann Brain Dominance Institute - Facilitator Certification.
Brain Power
Decision Making
Start Thinking
Creative Thinking
Problem Solving
Sales and Customer Service

Southeastern Business College - Certified Educational Planner

L. E. A. D Consultants, Inc - Certificated Consultant
Strategic Communications
Conflict Management/Resolution

Registered Investment Advisor (1990/2000)

Securities Licensed (1990/2000)

Insurance Licensed (1990/2000)

Dale Carnegie Sales Course
Angie is a long standing member of the National Speakers Association and Past-President
of the Ohio Chapter. Professional memberships have included: Association for Financial
Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE), Member, National Association of Women
Business Owners (NAWBO), Member, Women for Economic Leadership and Development (WELD).
She is a Certified Woman's Business Enterprise (WBE) #235105, The Women's Business
Enterprise National Council, Inc. (WBENC), and is a Certified Certification Analyst (CCA).

Grab the Brass Ring of Financial Security©, a self-help book on financial planning.
The Weight & Wealth Factors™ : parallel factors for weight management and wealth accumulation.
The Weight and Wealth Strategy Boxes™
Money Made $imple©, easy answers to tough money questions.
Money Made $impler©, solutions to the ten most common money mistakes.
Money Made $implist©, the simple truth about money myths.
A $imple Truth about Money©, the psychology of money.
The Wellness Path (co-authored)
Tips from the Top (co-authored)
Mission Possible (co-authored)
Tips form the Top (co-authored)

Ghost wrote a ten chapter financial book and four e-books for the military.

Co-developed Holistic Learning Systems, Ltd, whole life learning through e-learning.

Developed curriculum for Holistic Learning Systems, Ltd.

Selected by the Department of Labor Women's Bureau "Working Women in Transition" to manager a year-long program for Baby Boomer women looking for a career change.

Has been featured on ABC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC Television and on many radio shows.

Authored numerous articles on finance for
The Columbus Dispatch, Coopers & Lybrand Newsletter,
The Senior Times, Business First and
Today's Columbus Woman.

First woman to speak at the University of Notre Dame's prestigious Entrepreneur Club, and the first woman to become a member of their Distinguished Lecture Series.

Featured in
Small Business News, The Columbus Dispatch, Ohio Magazine, and Shape Magazine.

2000 WINGS Conference Honoree, recognized as a woman who has overcome great obstacles.

2003 National Speakers Association Ohio Chapter president and member of the year.

Selected to serve on the financial committee by the President of the National Speakers Association.

Recognized as the 2004 National Association of Women Business Owners member of the year.
I strive to make a difference in individual's lives, by providing them and their organization the tools to achieve success and prosper."
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